Jenny Betteridge 〉
Strategic Lead for Volunteering with Sport England, an arms-length government body responsible for growing and developing grassroots sport and getting more people active across England. Each year, over 6 million people give their time to support their communities to be healthier and happier through sport and activity. Working with and through partnerships to create positive and meaningful volunteer experiences for everyone.
Speaking at this conference on behalf of Vision for Volunteering, an innovative new collaboration in partnership between the Muslim Charities Forum, NCVO, Volunteering Matters, NAVCA, Association of Volunteer Managers, DCMS and Sport England. The Vision is a 10-year ambition to create a better future for volunteering. Focusing on five themes for change, Awareness & appreciation, Power, Equity & inclusion, Collaboration and Experimentation, read more here https://www.visionforvolunteering.org.uk/the-vision