Give Smart Give Safe Ramadan 2024

This Ramadan, you can achieve more.

Each year we support donors with ensuring that they give their Zakat and Sadaqah smartly and safely to charities across the UK and beyond.

Deciding where and when to give your donations holds significant spiritual reward and personal meaning. There are so many deserving campaigns and so many people in desperate need of help.

Muslim charities around the UK are working hard, delivering vital aid and operating with best practice and governance. However, alongside these are requests for funds which are not always legitimate or where you cannot be sure what your money will achieve for those who desperately need it.

This year, ensure you give with Ihsaan (excellence) by conducting simple checks before you donate.

Our short checklist – available in English, Arabic, Bangla and Urdu– is a handy reminder to help you donate. Get your copy now and share with friends and family.

Our full Give Smart Give Safe guide can help you to understand the importance of knowing where your money goes, the impact it creates and answers some pressing questions about charity operations and campaigns.

This Ramadan: Give Smart, Give Safe.

Download our guide and the checklist in your preferred languages below.