MCF Independent Trustee

Muslim Charities Forum is seeking an Independent Trustee to join the Board.

MCF seeks candidates who are passionate about improving the Muslim charity sector, committed to upholding its values, willing to fully participate in its governance structure and have expertise in one of the following areas to support MCF in delivering its strategic priorities:

• People & Culture.
• Learning & Development.
• Influencing Policy and Driving Systems Change.
• Digital Innovation and Technology.


Please view or download the full role description and details below.

If you are passionate about empowering the Muslim charity sector and excited by this opportunity, have skills and experience in one of the areas of expertise (People & Culture; Influencing Policy and Driving Systems Change; Digital Innovation and Technology) and meet the requirements, please send your CV and a cover letter (up to 2 A4 pages, size 12 font) outlining your interest in MCF trusteeship, and your relevant competencies/experience that enable you to meet the person specification above to

Closing date: 31st January 5.00pm

You can find out more about our existing Board members here.

If you have any questions about this role, please get in touch :

We look forward to receiving your application!

About this role
