On Monday 22nd April, we launched our latest issue of The Forum. This exclusive edition, titled Inspiring Stories: The Blessings Of The Sisters, honours, celebrates and provides recognition to the amazing women who work within the Muslim-led charity sector.
From INGOs, to community-social groups, mental health and more, the issue was founded on our discovery that 42% of Muslim-led charities are female-led (Bridges of Hope 2023) and a desire to provide a platform for women’s voices.
To mark this special issue and to celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr, we were delighted to host a private launch event in Westminster.

The afternoon was attended by contributors, supporters and members across the humanitarian and social action community and featured up-lifting and inspiring talks from our esteemed panel.
Opened by MCF Independent Trustee Saffa Mir and MCF CEO, Fadi Itani, delegates were treated to opening contributions from Imam Kazi Luthfur Rahman with a beautiful Qur’anic recitation and a motivational reminder from Sheikh Haytam Tamim, reminding us of the special status and example of women in Islam.
Through the afternoon we heard from Baroness Natalie Bennett of Manor Castle, Hanan Ashgeh, Behavioural Practitioner and Founder of Goodwill Caravan, Yashmin Harun BEM , Founder and Chair of Muslimah Sports Association, Dr Sofia Buncy MBE , Founder of the Muslim Women In Prison Resettlement Project and Zamzam Ibrahim, UN Advisor and Climate Justice Campaigner.

Further attendees and contributors to the issue include Asifa Pradhan, Catherine Roe, Dr Husna Ahmad, Hina Shahid, Jamilla Hekmoun, Javeria Hashmi, Julie Siddiqi, Kathleen Roche-Nagi, Linsay Taylo, Lucy Bushill-Matthews, Maaria Mahmood, Majida Sayam, Marwa Soliman, Najma Mohamed, Pulvisha Raja, Rahima Aziz, Sabah Gilani, Sadia Sajid, Samiira Hasan, Dr Sandra Pertek, Shanin Ashraf and Shazia Arshad,
Opening talks were followed by a Q&A Panel, as speakers shared their thoughts and experiences of working for social change. Guest also heard about the barriers Muslim women face in navigating mainstream spaces, social action and under-representation as well as recommendations for making space at key tables for Muslim women across the field.
We hope that this issue proves an inspirational read for all those interested in achieving positive change across all communities and we would like to thank all contributors and delegates.
Download The Forum Issue 06 Inspiring Stories: The Blessings Of The Sisters here.