Today marks the beginning of Trustees Week, an annual celebration of trustees and boards across the sector who dedicate their time and efforts to civil society.
Your trustees form the board of your charity and are the driving force behind your organisation’s missions, aims and governance. As voluntary roles, trustees are often people from outside the charity sector who bring valuable skills and insight that can build organisational development and resilience. United in their motivation for your charitable cause, supporting your trustees is important to ensure that they in turn can best support your organisation and beneficiaries.
For this Trustees Week, the theme is Many voices. Working together. With purpose.
As part of our work in supporting the Muslim-led charity sector, we believe in celebrating the contribution of trustees across the community who are adding value in their commitment to social action causes both within the UK and abroard.
During this week, we encourage all charities to take part in Trustees Week and celebrate the work, and share stories and resources.

MCF Resources to share with and support Trustees:
Ensuring Ethical Excellence practical guide – Muslim Charities Forum
British Muslims Charitable Giving Report – Muslim Charities Forum
Bridges Of Hope research report – Muslim Charities Forum
The Cost of Living Crisis – a practical guide – Muslim Charities Forum
The Sacred Trust: climate change awareness guide – Muslim Charities Forum
Are you signed up to our newsletter? Click here to register your email – we have a number of news and resources to support Trustees.

Need to recruit Trustees?
You may also find the following resources from The Charity Commission for England and Wales helpful:
Trustee board: people and skills – GOV.UK (
Register a trust as a trustee – GOV.UK (
Payments to charity trustees: what the rules are – GOV.UK (
Interested in becoming a Trustee?
Charity trustee: what’s involved (CC3a) – GOV.UK (
Charity trustees, staff and volunteers – GOV.UK (
The Charity Commission also have a series of 5-minute guides to refresh knowledge: 5-minute guides for charity trustees – GOV.UK (
Get involved with Trustees Week at: Trustees Week – Showcasing the work of charity trustees