On Sunday 10 September 2023 Storm Daniel struck Libya causing severe weather conditions which resulted in major flooding affecting the northeastern areas of the country. Strong winds and continued heavy rainfall have caused extreme flooding that has destroyed whole villages, roads and infrastructure. Greece, Turkiye and Bulgaria have also been affected by abnormally heavy rainfall.
Over 11300 people have lost their lives and a further 10,100 are reported missing* with these figures continuing to rise. Several bridges and dams in the port of Derna collapsed under the sudden rush of water, pushing most of the area underwater and killing thousands.

Entire city blocks and buildings have been washed away and the death toll is expected to rise significantly as relief efforts get underway. The Government of Libya has declared a State of Emergency and three days of national mourning.
Emergency Response:
More than 34,000 people have been displaced from their homes across the regions of Alabyda, Derna and Al Mkheley.
There is widespread devastation with the bodies of the deceased sadly unable to be recovered or washed out to sea.
Many roads are still flooded, hampering search, rescue and relief efforts.
Frequent power outages continue to occur, including disruption to communications networks.
The immediate need is for shelter with many thousands of people unable to return home or seek refuge from ongoing storm conditions.
Food and medical care are also urgently needed.
The UN Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated $10 million to the flood response.
The following Muslim Charities Forum members are responding on the ground in the immediate area and have launched Emergency Appeals.
Please visit and support:
Al Khair Foundation: Libya Floods emergency appeal – Al-Khair Foundation (alkhair.org)
Islamic Relief: Libya Floods Appeal – Islamic Relief Worldwide (islamic-relief.org)
Muslim Hands: Libya Floods Appeal | Muslim Hands UK
Ummah Welfare Trust: Morocco Earthquake & Libya Flood Appeal – Ummah Welfare Trust (uwt.org)

Download our latest guidance for donating to emergency appeals
MCF will be releasing more information to support emergency relief efforts as and when this is available.
MCF is coordinating response between members to identify long-term needs. For more information, please contact info@muslimcharitiesforum.org.uk
*Sky News British Red Cross Red Crescent 15.09.23